Find a Post Concussion Specialist: Why You Should Think Twice About Going to a Pricey Concussion Center

Finding the Right Concussion Specialist Near You: What to Look For

When dealing with a concussion, it's natural to want the best care possible. However, opting for a high-cost concussion center isn't always the best decision. Here are some reasons why you should consider other options before committing to a pricey concussion center.

1. Quality of Care Isn't Always Linked to Cost

The cost of medical care does not necessarily reflect the quality of care provided. Some expensive concussion centers may offer luxurious amenities or have a reputation that drives up their prices, but this doesn't guarantee superior medical treatment. Many well-qualified specialists and effective treatment options are available at more affordable clinics.

2. Inexpensive Physical Therapy Can Provide Better Results

Paying out of pocket for affordable physical therapy can often be a more economical choice than going to a high-priced concussion center. Physical therapy is a critical component of concussion recovery, and many effective physical therapists offer services at a fraction of the cost of specialized centers. By choosing a more affordable therapist, you can receive the necessary rehabilitation without incurring significant financial strain, making it easier to adhere to a consistent treatment plan. A concussion physical therapist is trained to specifically to treat concussion as whole, which can provide better results than seeing a hodgepodge of specialists in different areas who combine to make a concussion team.

3. Accessibility and Convenience

Pricey concussion centers are often located in major metropolitan areas or specialized facilities, which may require long travel times and additional expenses for transportation and accommodation. Local specialists and clinics can provide high-quality care that is more accessible and convenient, allowing for easier follow-up appointments and consistent treatment.

4. A Large Multidisciplinary Team Isn't Always Necessary

While some expensive concussion centers boast comprehensive multidisciplinary teams, this isn't always beneficial. A large team can lead to fragmented care, where communication between specialists might not be seamless, resulting in conflicting advice, redundant treatments, or treatments that are too isolated. Often, a well-trained physical therapist with specialized concussion training can address a wide range of symptoms and needs, including balance issues, vestibular dysfunction, visual dysfunction, cognitive dual tasking, and treatment of the autonomic nervous system. This more streamlined approach can provide cohesive and effective treatment without the complexity and cost of coordinating multiple specialists. This approach also provides continuity with always seeing the same provider who can provide one-on-one hands on care.

5. Emphasis on Personalized Care

High-cost centers may have a high volume of patients, which can sometimes lead to less personalized attention. In contrast, smaller, more affordable practices often provide a more personalized approach, tailoring treatment plans to your specific needs and ensuring more direct communication with you and your healthcare team.

6. Focus on Essential Treatments

Pricey concussion centers might offer a range of additional services and amenities that, while appealing, are not essential for effective concussion treatment. By focusing on the core components of concussion management—accurate diagnosis, appropriate rehabilitation, and regular follow-up—you can achieve a successful recovery without unnecessary costs.

7. Community Resources and Support

Local clinics and specialists often have strong ties to the community and can connect you with valuable resources and support groups. These connections can provide ongoing support and assistance, contributing to your recovery without the need for expensive services.

8. Evidence-Based Treatment

Many effective concussion treatments are based on well-established, evidence-based practices that are widely available. You don't need to go to a high-cost center to access these proven therapies. Instead, look for providers who emphasize evidence-based care and have a track record of successful outcomes.

9. Patient Reviews and Recommendations

Word of mouth and online reviews can provide valuable insights into a specialist’s reputation and quality of care. Look for testimonials from other patients who have been treated for concussions.

10. Convenient Location and Availability

Finally, consider the specialist’s location and availability. Regular appointments and follow-up visits can be more manageable if the specialist is located nearby and has flexible scheduling options. Accessibility is particularly important if you are experiencing symptoms that make travel difficult.


While the allure of a pricey concussion center may be strong, it's essential to weigh the costs and benefits carefully. Quality care is available at more affordable clinics and hospitals, where you can receive personalized, evidence-based treatment without the financial burden. By focusing on what truly matters for your recovery, you can find the right specialist and treatment plan that fits your needs and budget, ensuring a smooth and successful path to healing.

If you have post concussion symptoms please do not try to persevere or suffer through them. Please do not listen to anybody who tells you that that is how you are supposed to feel after hitting your head or that they can only be “managed” and not “treated”. You absolutely can get better by participating in an integrative concussion rehabilitation program and “waiting” for them to go away will only make them worse and result in longer treatment times.

The most effective way to treat concussion symptoms is to perform specific exercises that are designed to retrain your brain and body to function efficiently. Specifically there are 5 systems these exercises will retrain: 

  • The Neck

  • The Visual System

  • The Vestibular System 

  • The Autonomic Nervous System

  • The Cognitive System

Properly retraining each of these systems will help your brain and body to heal so that you can get back to being you and doing the things that you love to do. 

To learn more about what is a concussion, concussion management strategies, and the specific physical therapy exercises you should be doing to heal your brain and body, visit The Concussion Solution: Master Program.  This online program provides a systematic approach to help people recover from post concussion symptoms.  You can also visit our clinic in Park City, Utah.

If you would like to learn more about treating your concussion symptoms, please call us: 203 822 2098 or email us at


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