Live O2 Adaptive Contrast

Oxygen Therapy

Recover from fatigue.

Oxygenate your brain.

Decrease systemic inflammation.

Improve your sleep quality.

Whether you are recovering from a concussion or have aches and pains from an active lifestyle, Adaptive Contrast Oxygen Therapy will get you there. Live O2 is the newest generation of Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT). When the body is exposed to oxygen reduced environments your blood vessels dilate and your body naturally physiologically adapts to enhance efficiency. 

 You will pedal up mountains (simulates up to 20,000’)  and then breathe in super oxygen saturated air while your blood vessels are open and your heart is pumping. Live O2 is a more advanced version of traditional EWOT with the adaptive contrast feature that allows you to cycle between the lower oxygen environment (which naturally opens up your blood vessels) and a highly oxygen saturated environment which drives oxygen into the pulmonary capillaries. This process triggers an anti-inflammatory process that heals your cells.

EWOT with adaptive contrast allows freshly oxygenated blood to travel more easily to your tissues leaving you with more efficient cells, healthier tissues, and an improved circulatory and respiratory system. 

The Live O2 adaptive contrast bike ride is effective and will leave you feeling exhilarated!

Benefits of Live O2 Adaptive Contrast EWOT

Increased Energy

Improved blood flow

Decreased systemic inflammation

Decreased brain fog

Faster athletic recovery

Decreased vascular inflammation

Improved endurance

Improved immune response

Reduce effects of Long Covid

Take a ride on the

Live O2 bike

Single visit: $75

5 pack: $337.50 (10% discount)

10 pack: $600 (20% discount)

20 pack: $1050 (30% discount)

*HSA/FSA cards accepted. Please inquire if you would like to use health insurance.